Madeleine Bergquist
Madeleine Bergquist: Madeleine is the librarian, and responsible for buying, cataloguing, course literature, and other things for the library. She also assists the students with loan circulation and information searching; she organizes courses and tutorials where she teaches information retrieval strategies, source criticism and reference management. Madeleine also works with some research support connected to the LU research information system – LUCRIS. Madeleine works 70% and her office is at Mazetti, Bergsgatan 29.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Omvärld, närvärld, invärld : Kompetensplan för Lunds universitets bibliotek 2018-20
Anna Alwerud, Madeleine Bergquist, Jon Eriksen, Kristina Holmin Verdozzi, Ann-Catrin Johansson, et al.