Spring semester 2024
Practical information for students an employees of Malmö Art Academy.
Below you find important dates and documents for the semester ahead.
Week 3: 15-21 January
15.1 Official start of spring semester
15.1 MFAAR meeting 10.00-11.00
15.1 Meeting with the exchange students 11.00-11.30
15.1 ALL STUDENTS 12.00-13.00 Student forum with lunch
19.1 Application portal BFA and MFA programs open
Week 4: 22-28 January
23.1 MFA2 students visit the Museum of Sketches 13.00
25.1 Open House at 14.00 (for prospective students)
25-26.1 Phd-seminar
Week 5: 29 Januari-4 February
29.1 Marge checkpoint 2 (only for staff)
Week 6: 5-11 February
5.2 ALL STUDENTS 12.00-14.00 Student forum with lunch
Week 7: 12-18 February
12.2 Response to VS/Marge checkpoint 2 (only for staff)
15.2 Professors meet BFA3 (FV, JK) 10.00 in the lecture room at Mazetti
Week 8: 19-25 February Low in staff due to SPORTLOV
Week 9: 26 February-3 March
1.3 Deadline to hand in BFA texts
1.3 Deadline application BFA & MFA programs, last date for supplements 7.3
Week 10: 4-10 March
4.3 ALL STUDENTS 12.00-14.00 Student forum with lunch
Week 11: 11-17 March
14-15.3 Painting seminar FV
Week 12: 18-24 March
18-22.3 BFA jurywork 2024 on site (all teachers with exception that GS attends 18-20.3, JK will not attend)
Week 13: 25-31 Mar Easter week
25-27.3 BFA3 text seminar (GS, MH)
27.3 Portal open for MFA jury (=two weeks before the admission week)
25.3-1.4 Easter week
28-1.4 Easter Public Holiday
Week 14: 1-7 April
1.4 Easter
2-3.4 Jury BFA: interviews -2 days (GS, JK, Maj & student representative)
2.4 ALL STUDENTS 12.00-14.00 Student forum with lunch
2.4 Deadline to hand in MFA2 texts
4-5.4 Phd-seminar
Week 15: 8-14 April
11.4 Opening MFA2 students exhibition at the museum of Sketches
11.4 Opening at the Museum of Sketches with presentation evening-time (course Sketching for a public art project)
8-12.4 Jurywork MFA online (Maj, AC, GS, JK + student representative)
Week 16: 15-21 April
15-19.4 Installation annual exhibition (GK, JS)
Extra technical resourse available (JH, KB)
Week 17: 22-28 April
22-28.4 Installation annual exhibition (GK, JS)
Extra technical resourse available (JH, KB)
Week 18: 29 April-5 May
29.4-3.5 BFA3-exhibition: installation KHM1/KHM2 (Marie M, YL, MH)
Extra technical resourse available (KB)
29.4-3.5 Installation annual exhibition (GK, JS)
1.5 Public holiday
3.5 Opening BFA3-exhibition at 15.00-17.00
3.5 Opening annual exhibition at 17.00-20.00
4-18.5 BFA3-exhibition
4-12.5 Annual Exhibition
Week 19: 6-12 May
4-18.5 BFA3-exhibition
4-12.5 Annual Exhibition
6-8.5 External examiner BFA3 Fernanda Brenner
6.5 ALL STUDENTS 12.00-14.00 Student forum with lunch
10.5 Admission process for programs closed TBC
Week 20: 13-19 May
4-18.5 BFA3-exhibition
17.5 Faculty meeting
Week 21: 20-26 May
20-24.5 MFA2 text seminar and presentations (GS, AC)
21.5 Opening MFAAR exam exhibition
22-28.5 MFAAR exam exhibition
24.5 External examinerMFAAR2 Dr Mikhail Karikis
Week 22: 27 May-2 June
22-28.5 MFAAR exam exhibition
27 – 29.5 External examiner MFA2 Thomas Boutoux
30-31.5 Installation of honorary doctor Nairy Baghramian
2.6 Official end of spring semester 2024
Week 23: 3-9 June
4-5.6 Phd-seminar
4.6 Checking studios
5.6 Ending access
6.6 National holiday
7.6 Klämdag= red day