Student life
Lund University offers a number of services and tools to help you as a current student with matters related to your studies and student life.
Study-related problems
If you encounter study-related concerns or problems you are offered advice and help from The Student Union or Studentombudet at Lund University.
The Student Union
Studentombudet (Lund University)
Study environment
Lund University is committed to providing a safe and fair study environment for all students in line with the University’s core values and student rights. All complaints are treated seriously and the University will attempt to resolve them as quickly as possible.
As a student, if you discover shortcomings in your physical or psychosocial environment, you can turn to any teacher, member of staff and/or to your student health and safety representative.
Student Health and Safety Representative at Malmö Art Academy:
Irene Kaltenborn
Principal Student Health and Safety Representative at our faculty:
Joel Wååg, skyddsombud [dot] skfm [at] gmail [dot] com (skyddsombud[dot]skfm[at]gmail[dot]com)
Learn more about study environment regulations
Student health councelling
The Student Health Centre offers counselling regarding psychological problems that affect your ability to study, such as stress, worry, anxiety, depression, transitional issues and/or academic difficulties. All information shared with our staff is kept strictly confidential.
Learn more about The Student Health Center
Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services offer learning support services and contact with specialist teachers and mentors.